Versus Recurrent Back Pain

You've got to try this, if you have back pain!! My local community education center offered an Opti-Stretch class, and I loved it. Got the book, and don't visit the chiropractor anymore.

K. Holladay

After a Spinal Meningioma Tumor Removal, I knew why my nerve pain students were searching for relief. Therapeutic stretching does help relieve some of the aches and pains.

T. MurrayOpti-Stretch Instructor

Hover your mouse, or tap the locations on the picture above for the most common location of back pain occurrences.

Have you ever injured a muscle and it never felt the same again?

Does the muscle reinjure easily?

Luckily low back pain, upper back pain, shoulder pain and neck pain are most commonly caused by muscle strain. OPTI-STRETCH will provide new and unique knowledge into the science of stretching for rehabilitation. OPTI-STRETCH can now effectively rehabilitate a “bad back” due solely to muscle strain, coined by Dr. Neil, M.D. a Recurrent Back Strain Syndrome.

Now using the Opti-Stretch book with DVD or E-book with streaming video's narrated by Dr. Neil showing the correct way to perform every stretch you can learn:

  • How to make your muscles less susceptible to muscle strains
  • How to detect chronically injured muscles
  • That symmetrical muscle movement reduces the chances of muscle strains
  • How to safely increase your range of motion for a more active lifestyle
  • Neutral stretches that will tone all the major muscles groups of the back and neck
  • That muscles have to have proper tone in order for them to be strengthened and conditioned without straining the muscles
  • Therapeutic stretching to heal and lengthen chronically injured muscles that have been injured by muscle strains

Opti-Stretch - Choose your platform below.

Back pain, shoulder pain and neck pain are most commonly caused by muscle strain. Learn how to safely rehabilitate injured muscles and increase range of motion. Achieving certain levels of stretched range-of-motion is essential to prevent injury during physical activity.

Stretch-receptor-lengthening is the most effective way of improving tone. While there are several ways to achieve this, the safest method is taught.

Once proper muscle tone is established, maintenance becomes essential to slow down the natural aging process.

OPTI-STRETCH can now effectively rehabilitate a "bad back" due solely to recurrent muscle strain.

Opti-Stretch Book Cover

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